Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Meaning of Life

While I am confident in my eternal purpose for living, there have been more than a few days when I was receiving a paycheck where I wondered about my work.

Spending my days writing about games and statistics that only a handful of people are interested in didn't give me a lot of satisfaction as to my "greater purpose". While I loved my work and was grateful that I was able to help support my family, there was always that small part of me that had questions.

This afternoon, I was sitting in a dark living room, holding Kacie as she sucked down some juice and drifted off into the wonderful world of her afternoon nap. I've been waiting to hear about a job I applied for last month when those past questions crept into my head. I think it was in one of those rare moments when I could be still and silent that God showed me that He had provided exactly what I had been asking about for years.

Staying at home with our girls has been a challenge, but in that moment I think I finally realized that I had been gifted this time to feel like my time and efforts are valuable. I hope I can consider those thoughts every morning and treasure each day I'm home with them between now and the day I do go back to work.

1 comment:

Heidi Joe said...

This post makes me happy. All the way down to my toes. Love you Big Brother.