Saturday, August 30, 2008

Single Parent & Acid Reflux Update

Thanks to all of you that came up this week to support me while Eric was gone. I cannot say thank you enough for the time that you all took to hold Addie while I either got sleep or packed. I couldn't have survived this week without you. I have such a new appreciation for single parents - how do they do it?? A big shout out to Chris and Alan (aka Grandma and Grandpa), Lisa (and Matt for letting her spend the night!), Alexis, Beth, Laura, and Derek. And thanks to Stew and Annie for your understanding and sharing Grandma. You are all so appreciated and so loved. It is humbling to have such a great support system - it makes me really sad to be leaving our close proximity to our family and friends.

So many of you have asked for an update on our little girl's acid reflux disease, so I thought that I could provide an update. Last thursday, I took our little on into the specialist for a check-up. Addie has gained a full pound in a week and a half (now at 13 pounds!), but it still seems that she was not as thrilled as I was on the progress of Addie's condition (sounds so bad when she says it that way!). Although Addie has not had any more projectile vomiting episodes, she has developed new symptoms. She doesn't seem to have as much pain when she spits up as before, but she is still spitting up too much for the doctor's comfort level. Also her nasty "from the depths of her stomach" hiccup episodes that occur at least twice daily also has the doctors concerned. But the most troubling are the two new symptoms this week. She is getting fluid into her nose and chest when she spits up - which is causing ratting in her chest that sounds like bronchitus...and the fluid in her nose is giving her nasty boogers in which the suctioning of them has her literally erupting into angry cries because it interupts her eating - and NOTHING is to interup her eating. The docs have upped her prescription to twice a day antacid at twice the dose she was at previously - as well as starting her on a new medication that is to improve motility in her digestive tract. Who knew that a little one would need so much help with medication - so sad!

But Addie has been such a little champ through all of this. She might be hurting, but her favorite thing to do now is to smile and laugh at everyone - especially when you stick out your tongue at her. And her favorite time is diaper changes - who wouldn't like a clean butt?

So please continue to keep our little one in your prayers. And keep Eric in your prayers as he ventures home in CA for the last time tonight. Addie misses her daddy - she recognizes his voice on the phone and waves her hands and feet when he talks to her. She also looks at his empty chair quite often. It must be confusing to see someone everyday and then have them be gone...glad that he will be back tonight.

I promise new pics on the next post - being a single parent this week has prevented me from downloading the new pics.

Love and thanks to you all,

Eric, Kara and Addie Jean

1 comment:

Evelyn said...

It was good to see you guys today. Hopefully the kids can play together some Christmas down the road. Keep posting pics and stories! Good luck! Or better yet, we'll be praying for ya!