Monday, March 17, 2008

Countdown Begins

Ok, so really the countdown began at the beginning of the pregnancy really...sounds elementary doesn't it. But in all seriousness, I was just telling Eric the other day that it seemed like we still had so much longer to wait...Wednesday marks only the beginning of the third trimester. We getting so anxious to meet our little soccer star! But this morning the tables turned from "it is going to be forever" to "holy cow, we don't have much time!" Funny how attitudes can change at the drop of a hat!

Let me my boss has been bugging me to find out the exact date that I will be leaving on maternity. So I took the opportunity to talk with my doctor about it this morning at our 26 week check-up. She informs us of the entire policy (which is too long an boring to go into here) but basically I can leave work at 36 weeks. I do the math in my head - only 10 weeks left of work - HURRAY! Then she drops the bomb.

"So the baby's lungs will be viable at 29 weeks, and gets the sucking or eating thing down at 32 weeks - but when you get to 35 weeks, we will not stop your labor if it starts." I then do the math again...35 weeks - 26 weeks = 9 weeks. Only 9 weeks and I could possibly be a parent? Sure, technically I have another 11 weeks until I am considered "full term, " another 14 weeks until my due date, and another 16 weeks if Addie takes her time and goes past due at 42 weeks. But the 9 WEEKS kept echoing in my head...single digits...what we have hoped, prayed, and waited for. It is here, "technically." And all I can do is think of all the things left to "do" before she comes.

All it takes is one comment to go from thinking "forever" to "around the corner." Now God, grant me the energy to get all the rest of the tasks done in the amount of time I have remaining...whether it be 9 weeks or 16, or the wisdom to let the things go I cannot get to. A span of 7 weeks - seems like forever and yet not enough time.


sweet_p07 said...

If you need help, you know who to call. I'm right around the corner and ready for anything :) Love you guys and little Addie Jean!

Chris Montgomery said...

Yeah, I don't think you guys will lack for people willing to help! Can't wait to meet her!