Monday, February 4, 2008

Growing Excitement

Mommy and Daddy were quite surprised to learn my little secret...that I was a girl instead of a boy! But they were so quick to become excited about it, that it made me feel all warm and fuzzy. In fact, I started kicking Mommy a few days after that so she knew I approved. They went to Babies R Us the same night as the ultrasound and started picking out what my room will look like and fun things for me to wear! Daddy got me a really awesome purple coast...but I guess I won't be big enough to wear it until Thanksgiving. And another fun surprise - Mommy wants me to have pink in my room! I am so excited that I get to have a pink and brown room! Daddy keeps telling me that Mommy looks cute in pink, so together we should be the best looking pair of girls in town. Here is the bedding they picked out for me..

The circles make me a little dizzy if I look at them too much...either that or when Mommy rolls over all the time at night. I keep telling her to hold still, but she keeps doing it more. We definitely need to come to an understanding about this situation.

With all the black-brown furniture that they are getting, I am sure that it will really be great! I am not sure that this will mean that sleeping in my crib will happen right away, but Mommy and Daddy sure seem to think so...boy, do they have a lot to learn! If I'm awake, they better be awake with me since I can't make my own food. I am just so happy that my room is coming together. I now have bookshelves, the crib (even though it's still in a big box) and a storage organizer in my closet. With all this going on, I feel really special, and I know just how excited Mommy and Daddy are to have me...especially since just a couple weeks ago, they still thought I was a boy and my room was full of junk!

Thanks mommy and daddy for making this girl feel so special...

Love, Baby Girl Monty


Laura said...

Dearest Mommy & Daddy -
What the heck is my name? I know patience, blah, blah, blah!

Chris Montgomery said...

A girl?!? I am so pickin' excited I can't stand it! As soon as my brain catches up with my body(I think it's still somewhere over the Atlantic) I feel a shopping trip coming on!
Grandma Chris

The Montgomerys said...

i love the pink and brown combo!

sweet_p07 said...

So glad we spotted the set at BabiesRUs! It's definitely cute. I am sure my new niece will love it! Can't wait to meet her.