Tuesday, February 19, 2008


So I knew that one day it would happen...just didn't think it would happen so quickly. Kara only started feeling our little girl kick about two and a half weeks ago. But sure enough on Sunday night, Kara started feeling the baby moving pretty good. Then she exclaimed that she could see her shirt moving every time the baby kicked. She insisted that I put my hand on her stomach because if the baby was causing her shirt to move, surely I would be able to feel her kicks. And then after just a few seconds of my hand on her stomach, I encountered my baby for the first time through touch. It's one thing to see her heartbeat and watch her legs move on a screen, but this time my own fingers felt this tiny little bump pressing through the skin. My heart has felt her to be real for so long, but now I've finally got to touch her. I know I don't get to actually hold her until the day she slides down the chute and out into the world, but feeling some part of her was like my own little introduction to what that day will be like. I can't wait.


sweet_p07 said...

Congratulations Papa! Soon enough you'll be able to hold her in your arms!

Chris Montgomery said...

None of us can wait! She is a lucky girl, having you and Kara for parents.