Friday, November 7, 2008

God, Prayer, Doctor, and 96 Cents

Praise God - She Pooped! We took the baby girl to the doctor yesterday after STILL NO POOP...poor little thing was absolutely miserable, fussing before we even went into the doctor, screaming when the doctor pushed on her belly, NOT GOOD. But the doctor recommended an infant glycerin suppository and prescriped some stool softener. We immediately went to the store and asked the pharmacist where to find this item...they rang us up at a whopping 96 cents. 96 cents@#&*^!@!&^(! What an incredible bargin...

Thank you for your prayers!

(and also thank God that I resisted the urge to take a picture of the poop itself and post it for all to see...)


Heidi Joe said...

The little baby that I watch sometimes, Sailor had poop issue (or lack thereof) and her mom would put a little dark Karo syrup in her bottle to loosen it up.

Who knew?

The Montgomerys said...

i would like to see a picture of the poop. but maybe that is just me.
