Monday, October 12, 2009


Ok, so I know that we have been requesting a lot of prayers lately, but we have another doosy to add to the list. As I was driving back to the doctor this morning to check to see if I was any further dialated, my mom calls me from Oklahoma in an ambulance taking my stepdad Jon to the emergency room because he had just suffered a stroke. We don't know a lot except that it was a major stroke, and that they cannot remove the clot in the major artery that caused the stroke. They are doing the best medically that they can, but it is extremely limited - so we are left with putting the power in God's hands and letting him do the healing. Please everyone out there in blog land - pray for Jon. The next 48 hours will determine if he will ever speak or gain true consciousness again.

FYI - I am now dialated to 2cm and was given IV fluids in the hospital today. Tomorrow marks the 33 week mark - Doc wants us to get to at least 36 weeks...stay in there baby!!

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