Mommy really wanted to write a few words, so I decided to let her do the talking today:
There are certain mysteries in life you completely don't understand until faced with them yourself. Pregnancy is one of them. I thought I "understood" what women went through during this blessed time of life when you "grow" another human being...but wow - I really had no clue. Some things I thought were "myths" have a funny way of becoming reality quickly...
Supersonic Smell - I have always heard pregnant women complain about this, but never gave it much thought until I myself became pregnant. Wow - it really DOES exist! It probably didn't help that I spent between weeks 6-8 of my pregnany in China and Japan. Everything smelled different there and everything was doused literally in cigarette smoke. There were times when I couldn't get away from the smells and forced myself to breathe through my mouth! Even today, the thought of traveling to Asia brings the yucky taste in the back of my mouth as I recall the smells I encountered. I have to NOT think about it at all to avoid an eruption from the stomach. But even after I got back - the ability to smell supersonically is still cursing me. I call it a curse for a reason. Take for example my wonderful husband. I have known since I met him that he has a knack for very smelly flatulence, but this has not bothered me much - hey we are all human. HOWEVER, now under my current pregnant condition, it may cause violent gagging and occaisional vomiting (sounds like a warning label on prescription meds, right?). So at all times, I have a can of air freshner by the bedside to aid in this new ailment.
Morning Sickness - Ok, so this one is not quite a "myth" in the defined term...most women speak of it often when it comes to being pregnant. But boy is the experience worse than the stories! My experience specifically has not been the does come unexpectedly without warning - at any time of the day. But the thing I think is the cruelest is the fact that my doctor, all the websites, and most women say that this "phenomenon" of pregnancy goes away after the first trimester...well isn't that just great for most women! Halfway through my second trimester, I still have mornings, middays, and evenings where my stomach just gives way to some natural force and I get sick. The worst lately has been brushing my teeth...if there is some other way to get morning breath out of your mouth besides sticking a long toothbrush full of very potent toothpaste into your mouth for an extended period of time - PLEASE someone inform me quickly! For now, brushing my teeth is unavoidable...and I do so each morning with fear and trepidation. Most mornings it passes without incident...other mornings I wish I was in someone else's body...needless to say, I have learned NOT to eat breakfast before brushing my teeth (I know it sounds weird, but would you want to see your breakfast again so soon after you ate it?). The nausea has started to pass (Thank you God), but the gag reflex is still there - a fun little thing that leads to more vomiting this trimester than the
Round Ligament Pain - so has anyone else heard about this? I sure had not...but wow is it true! The joys of pregnancy sure come with some mighty interesting conditions...this one is supposedly (I say that only because I am not a doctor) when the ligaments that support your uterus start expanding because your baby starts growing so fast. Well let me tell you - it is just like spraining your ankle - only in your abdomen, and there is not a set of crutches to "stay off the ankle" to make it feel better. There are times when it feels like your uterus is going to literally fall out of your body...sounds fun, huh?
Pizza - Ok, so this one will take a little explaining. When I was little, and we all wanted to order a mom would shake her head and say that we could, but that she just couldn't eat pizza anymore since she had kids. I always thought she used this as an "excuse" for us not to order pizza. Well now, I understand my mother so much more. The night we found out that we were pregnant, we had ordered a pizza...and later on that night, I thought that my gut was going to burst into flames and learned the new meaning of heartburn. Since then, I have tried pizza on a couple of other occaisions, and most of the time, I end up regretting it. Phenomenon...all I can say is thanks, mom!
Well even with all of these fun little myths that have become reality in my life now, I can honestly say that it is all worth it when I think of a little one joining our family. Since we are having a girl, I will have to be honest with her when it comes to being pregnant that it is not the most "wonderful time in your life" since a lot of ailments have surfaced...but I can let her know that she was worth it all, even giving up pizza!