Monday, December 22, 2008

Addie Meets Santa

A short post for all those who have been anxiously looking for updates. We apologize...more pictures from Christmas in SoCal to come. For now, here's Addie meeting Santa at the Tucson Mall. For those interested, she loved Santa. She had just had a nap, woke up in a great mood and had a blast. She loved looking around at the decorations surrounding the photo area and smiled the entire time.

She's also loving her time in Escondido with her grandparents, aunts and uncles. She got to see Grandpa Beanpole early on Friday morning, then spent most of the day with Grandma Chris and Uncle Derek. He has been her favorite through the first couple of days, playing peek-a-boo and letting her jump until her little legs run out of jumps. Aunt Megan just landed tonight, so just about everyone is her. She's anxious to meet her new cousin Ryder, but he's in NICU for a few more days, so that might have to wait. Please pray that his lungs empty out of the fluid and he gets to go home soon.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving - Bring on Christmas!

I have had such an eventful couple of weeks. First of all, Daddy went to Hawaii for 6 days in mid-November, so Grandma Chris and Aunt Bethie came out to visit me (they said it was to see mommy too - but we all know better!) It was so good to see them - we had a great time!

Then, the following weekend, Mom and I went to Granddad and Mema's house in Kansas City for Thanksgiving - it was a long plane ride, but it was so much fun standing on mom's lap and smiling at the people behind us. Standing and jumping on mom kept me entertained for most of the time - although mommy kept complaining that her arms couldn't take it anymore! I don't know why - I am only 19 pounds! Sheesh mom - keep up! Daddy came later on because of work.

Staying at Grandad and Mema's house was so much fun. At first, I was scared of almost everyone - but mostly men and especially Granddad. But after just a couple of days, I warmed up - and Grandad became my absolute favorite!! Everytime I heard his voice and saw him walk into the room, I kicked my legs and practically jumped into his arms!

And I was so excited to find out that I have cousins! How neat! Alek and I were instant friends. I had so much fun smiling and laughing at him - I even let him give me a bottle and feed me carrots. He is so wonderful - he sang me a lullaby and I went right to sleep! Thanks Alek!

Campbell is 4 years old, and she is a girl just like me. She was fun too - she would play with me on the floor and give me toys to play with. I really enjoyed smiling at her.

Cooper is only 14 months old - and I had to pay close attention to that one. He is over 30 pounds and walks kind of funny, so I was really careful not to get in his path. He was always smiling and toddling about! All that walking seems so interesting, I just might have to try that soon. He and I mostly have Mema in common - we both LOVE her, and most times would compete for her time and attention!

Actually all of the grandkids scrambled to get Mema's attention! But she is just the bestest - she would rock me and feed me bottles even when I was so extremely tired, I wasn't sure what I wanted or needed - she is the best rocker in the whole world! She did so much while we were there - she fed everyone (not just me!) and cleaned non-stop. I want to be just like her when I get bigger!

Overall, I would highly recommend family. They are the best! I loved sitting with Aunt Alexis and watching cartoons and flirting with Aunt Angela until she picked me up! Even Uncle Corey and Uncle Billy could coax a smile out of me - as long as mommy or Mema was close at hand! I thought watching Uncle Brett and Aunt Erin was exhausting - boy having two kids looks tiring!

Granddad and Mema even took us cousins to the playground for my first swing ride - but man, it was REALLY cold, and I wasn't too sure I liked it. Mema and Granddad took turns holding me and keeping me warm, so I was ok. I sure did enjoy watching the other kids run around and play - can't wait to join them next year!

Thanksgiving was a blast too - I just couldn't be left out, so I tried to eat everything on mommy's plate. Since that wasn't going to happen despite my best efforts, mommy got out my high chair and I had sweet potatoes with the entire clan - 14 adults and 4 kids - WOW THAT IS QUITE A BUNCH!

If there is even more family to meet and see - boy oh boy, I just can't wait for this Christmas thing everyone is talking about!

See you then!
Addie Jean
PS: And for all those family members I missed this Thanksgiving - here are my Thanksgiving wishes and excitement about seeing you at Christmas!